
Snapshot Reviews takes your privacy seriously, review our policy below



Snapshot Reviews takes Your privacy seriously

Privacy Policy

Creation Date: 6th of September 2023

1. Information Collection

As part of our unwavering commitment to Privacy and Security, we collect specific types of information that you voluntarily provide during the sign-up and login process, as well as when you update your profile. This information is crucial for delivering our Services effectively and securely.
Types of Information We Collect:
• Sign-in and Login
We collect essential details required for your successful registration and ongoing usage of Snapshot Reviews. This includes but is not limited to your email address, password, first name, and last name. When you invite team members to join Snapshot Reviews, we collect similar information to facilitate their smooth registration and login process.
• Account and Profile
Your personal account page may contain additional details that you can add or remove at your discretion. These may include contact information, work title, links to your social media profiles, and other voluntary personal identifiers.
• Shareable Information
Any questions, templates, or other content you create within Snapshot Reviews are collected and securely stored. These data points remain associated with your company account as long as they are provided through our platform.
• Information Through Support Channels
If you engage with our customer support, you'll be asked to provide specific contact information,
a summary of the issue you are facing, and any relevant documentation or screenshots.
• Collected Information When Using Services
We gather data about your interactions within our Services. This includes, but is not limited to, browsing our websites and application, engaging in specific actions, and using various features.
• Your Use of Services
We carefully track and record details such as the features you engage with, the links you click on, the types and names of attachments you upload, frequently used search terms, and your interactions with other users on the platform in order to provide best user interface experience.
• Device and Connection
We collect information about the devices you use to access our Services, such as your computer, phone, or tablet. This includes details about your connection type, settings during installation, access, updates, or overall usage of our Services. We also collect information about your device's operating system, browser type, IP address, and other relevant data.

2. Use of Information We Collect

Purpose and Usage
With your explicit consent, we use your personal information for a variety of purposes aimed at providing a seamless and enriching experience for you. Below are the key areas where your data plays a crucial role:
Providing Quality Services
Your personal information is the backbone of our service delivery model. It allows us to:
• Personalize your experience by tailoring features, content, and recommendations.
• Facilitate smooth communication within your team or organization.
• Enable feature sets that are most relevant to your role and responsibilities.
• Provide real-time updates and notifications that are pertinent to your use of Snapshot Reviews.
By understanding your preferences and usage patterns, we can deliver a service that feels custom- built for you.
Fixing Issues
Technical glitches and user issues are an unfortunate reality of any digital service. When you encounter problems:
• We may ask for a detailed description of the issue, along with screenshots or other supporting documents.
• Your data helps us to diagnose the problem more effectively, speeding up the resolution process.
• We may use your usage history to identify if the issue is a one-off incident or part of a larger pattern requiring more comprehensive action.
Your prompt reporting and the data you provide are invaluable for maintaining a high-quality service.
Improving Services
Continuous improvement is part of our DNA. Here's how your data helps:
• We analyze user interactions to identify popular features and potential areas for improvement.
• User surveys and feedback, which are stored and analyzed, provide direct insights into user satisfaction and feature requests.
• Testing datas help us understand what changes resonate well with our user base.
Your data is a cornerstone in our ongoing effort to offer an ever-improving user experience.
Keeping You Informed and Updated
Communication is key to a fruitful relationship. We use your contact information to:
• Send you timely updates about new features, services, and content available on Snapshot Reviews.
• Notify you about any changes to our terms of service, privacy policy, or other legal agreements.
• Send reminders about account renewals, billing dates, and other subscription-related matters.
You have the complete freedom to opt-out of receiving such communications at any time through your account settings or by contacting us directly.
Enhancing Security Measures
Your data is not just about improving services and communication; it's also vital for maintaining a secure environment. Here's how we use your information for security:
• Monitor account activity to detect any unusual or potentially fraudulent behavior. If we notice multiple failed login attempts or unfamiliar devices trying to access your account, we may take precautionary measures such as temporarily locking the account.
• Use your contact information to send you security alerts and updates. If we make significant changes to our security protocols, we'll keep you informed so you can take any necessary actions on your end.
• Conduct regular audits and assessments to ensure that our security measures align with industry standards. Your data helps us understand the effectiveness of these measures and make adjustments as needed.
• Facilitate two-factor authentication, password resets, and other security-related features that protect your account and data.
Your data is crucial for not just enhancing your experience but also for fortifying the security measures that protect your account and the entire Snapshot Reviews platform.

3. Sharing the Information

Collaboration and Third-Party Sharing
Snapshot Reviews is built with the core idea of facilitating team and company collaboration. As such, the sharing of information is integral to how our Services function. Below are the various ways in which your information may be shared:
3.1.Within Your Organization
Team Collaboration. When you create or contribute to a project, your name, role, and contributions may be visible to other team members. This creates a collaborative environment and helps team members understand each other's roles and responsibilities.
Administrative Access. Administrators within your organization have the ability to access various types of information to manage the account effectively. This may include usage statistics, project contributions, and other data that help in decision-making.
Shared Resources. Documents, templates, and other resources you upload may be accessible to team members based on the permissions you or your administrator set.
3.2.Third-Party Service Providers
Hosting and Maintenance. We partner with third-party service providers (Amazon Web Services) for cloud website hosting and maintenance. These providers are contractually obligated to ensure the security of your data.
Payment Processing. For subscription and billing services, we collaborate with trusted third-party payment processors. All financial transactions are encrypted and comply with industry standards for secure financial transactions.
Analytics and Improvement. We may use third-party analytics providers (Google Analytics) to help us understand the usage patterns and performance of our Services. This helps us in making data-driven decisions for improving Snapshot Reviews.
3.3.Third-Party Integrations
Jira Integration
Snapshot Reviews offers a seamless integration with Jira, a popular project management tool. When you link your Snapshot Reviews account with a Jira account, the following may occur:
• Data synchronization of tasks, milestones, and project statuses can be synchronized between Snapshot Reviews and Jira, providing a unified view across platforms.
• All data transferred between Snapshot Reviews and Jira is encrypted to ensure its security.
• This integration is optional and requires explicit user consent. You can disable it at any time through your account settings.
Slack Integration
Snapshot Reviews also offers integration with Slack, a real-time messaging platform. When you opt for this integration, the following happens:
• For direct communication, clicking on the Slack icon within Snapshot Reviews will open the Slack application, allowing you to communicate directly with organizational members without leaving the Snapshot Reviews environment.
• This integration is designed for communication purposes only, and no data from your Snapshot Reviews account is transferred to Slack or vice versa.
• Similar to the Jira integration, linking your Snapshot Reviews account with Slack is optional and can be enabled or disabled at your discretion.
By offering these third-party integrations, we aim to provide a more cohesive and streamlined user experience. However, it's important to note that the use of third-party services like Jira and Slack are governed by their respective privacy policies, and we recommend reviewing those policies if you opt for these integrations.
3.4.Security Measures for Third-Party Sharing
Before engaging with any third-party service provider, we enter into a Data Protection Agreement that outlines the security measures they must adhere to. Third-party service providers have limited, role-based access to your information, which is monitored and audited regularly.

4. Information Storage and Security

Data Hosting and Technical Measures
We partner with Amazon Web Services (AWS), a leading cloud service provider based in the United States, to host your data. AWS is compliant with key industry standards and regulations, ensuring that your information is stored in a secure environment. We also implement robust technical measures, including encryption and firewalls, to protect your data. Being based in the USA, we adhere to local laws and regulations concerning data protection, including the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) and other federal laws.
Data Retention
We retain your information for as long as your account is active and for a reasonable period afterward. Some information may be kept longer to comply with legal obligations and business requirements.

5. Information Access and Control

Your control over your data is a priority for us. Below are the options available to you for managing your account and the information associated with it:
• If you wish to temporarily disable your account, you can do so through your account settings. During this period, your profile will not be visible to other users, but your data will remain intact for when you choose to reactivate your account.
• If your account is part of an organization, the administrator may also have the ability to deactivate your account. In such cases, you will need to contact your organization's administrator for reactivation.
• You have the right to permanently delete your account. This action will erase all personal data associated with your account, including user-generated content and transaction history. Please note that some data may be retained for legal compliance.
• If your account is part of an organization, the administrator has the ability to permanently delete your account. In such cases, the same data retention rules apply.
For both deactivation and deletion, you can initiate the process by contacting us at [email protected] Our Data Processing Officer will guide you through the steps required to confirm and complete your request.

6. Additional Privacy Considerations

For organizational users, if you access our Services through an organization, please consult your organization's administrator for data privacy inquiries, as your use of the Services is subject to their policies.

7. Cookie Policy

We use various types of cookies, including marketing, authentication, security, performance, and analytics cookies, to improve your browsing experience, ensure website security, and analyze website performance. For more detailed information please see our Cookie Policy.

8. Updates to the Privacy Policy

We are committed to ensuring that our Privacy Policy is up-to-date and reflective of our current practices. Therefore, we may update this Privacy Policy periodically for several reasons:
Periodic Revisions and Reasons for Changes:
• To comply with new laws or regulations, or to reflect changes to existing laws, such as data protection legislation (GDPR and CCPA) in the United States, EU region or other jurisdictions where we operate.
• As we continually improve and expand our Services, we may need to update our Privacy Policy to accurately represent these changes.
• We value the input of our users and may revise our Privacy Policy to better address concerns, questions, or suggestions that we receive.
• As technology evolves, we may need to update our Privacy Policy to address new data collection or processing capabilities.
Notification of Changes:
• Significant changes to the Privacy Policy will be communicated through prominent notices on our website, ensuring that you are aware of what has changed.
• Depending on the nature of the changes, we may also send an email to the address associated with your account, particularly if the changes may materially affect your rights or the way we handle your personal data.
• For users who are logged into our Services, we may provide in-app notifications about any significant updates to our Privacy Policy.
• Whenever we update our Privacy Policy, we will also update the "Last Modified" date at the beginning or end of the document. We encourage you to periodically review this Privacy Policy to stay informed.
Your Continued Use of Services:
Your continued use of Snapshot Reviews after any changes to the Privacy Policy signifies your acceptance of the updated terms. If you do not agree with the changes, you have the option to deactivate or delete your account, as described in the "Information Access and Control" section of this policy.

9. Contact Us

If you have any questions, concerns, or comments about our data collection, storage, or security practices, we're here to help. Don't hesitate to reach out to our dedicated Data Processing Officer for expert guidance and clarification.
For a direct and secure line of communication, you can email us at [email protected]
Your privacy and the security of your information are of the utmost importance to us. We are committed to providing clear, transparent information about how we protect your data. We welcome any questions or concerns you may have, as it helps us improve our practices and services.

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